
Change in Motor Fitness Status of Female Students of Physical Education and Sports Science during Under-Graduate

Purpose of the present research was to study and analyze the motor fitness of the female students of bachelor in physical education and sports science course of Jessore University of Science and Technology during their graduate study period. A total of 25 female students from the Department of Physical Education and Sports Science were selected as subjects. The total group consisted of six 1st year, six 2nd year, four 3rd year and nine 4th year female students. Motor fitness of the subjects was assessed by measuring performance of the subjects in some selected motor fitness components- locomotion speed by 50m dash, agility by 4×10m shuttle run, leg power by standing broad jump and cardio-respiratory endurance by 600m run tests. Results indicated that the motor fitness of female student increased, though not significant, from 1st year to 2nd year. But the performance significantly decreased from 3rd year to 4th year. It was concluded that reduction in motor fitness from 3rd year to 4th year might be due to reduction in practical activity in program schedule.
Key Words: Motor Fitness, Physical Education & Sports Science
Authors Name: Dr. Md. Nasim Reza & Nitu Rani Dey

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