The objective of the study to compare psychomotor indices of three different level male cricketers. Such as University level cricketer. Total seventy five male cricketers were selected for the study from different levels (i.e. University Level, Club Level & District Level). The data obtained for Visuo- Spatial Co-Ordination, Psychomotor Mobilization, Visuo-Motor Co-Ordination, Eye-Leg Co-Ordination, Eye-Hand Co-Ordination, Kinesthetic Perception and Reaction Time. The essential descriptive statistics was used. One way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to compare psychomotor indices among cricketers.The post hoc-test (LSD) was applied in order to investigate the significant differences In all the statistical tests, the level of significance was 0.05 and if the calculated P-value was less than 0.05, there exists statistically significant mean difference between the groups.
Key Words: Psychomotor, Cricketers, Co-Ordination, Kinesthetic Perception.
Author: Dr. Jitendra Pratap Singh