Objective of the Study: The objective of the study was to determine the effect of Prandharana and Tratak on Vital Capacity. [The objective of the study was to find out the significant difference between adjusted posttest means of experimental groups (Prandharana and Tratak) and control group in relation to Vital Capacity]
Methodology/Method: Selection of Subjects: Ninety male physical education students from Madhya Pradesh were selected as subjects for this study. The age of the subjects ranged between 18-25 years. The subjects were divided into three groups i.e. Two experimental groups (Prandharana and Tratak) and one control group.
Variable/Content:The purpose of the study, Vital Capacity Variable was selected.
Statistical Analysis: To find out the effect of Prandharna and Tratakon Vital Capacity, Analysis of Co variance was used. The level of significance was set at 0.05 level.
Conclusion: Significant difference was found among the adjusted posttest means of experimental groups and control group in Vital Capacity, since the F-value (12.254) was found significant at .05 level with 2, 86 df. Prandharna Group proved to be superior than Tratak Group in Vital Capacity.
Key Words: Vital Capacity, Tratak & Prandharana.
Authors: Dr. Pradnya Purandare Karandikar & Dr. Tilak Raj Meena