
Effect of Ashtang Yogic Activities in Enhancing Quality of Life of Young Adults


Objective: To determine the effect of ashtang yogic activities in enhancing the quality of life of young adults.
Design: Randomized, Pre and post test score, Experimental group comprise yoga exercise, wait list control group.

Participants and Result: This experimental study consists of pre test and post test. The experimental group underwent a training program for three months period, where as the control group attended general workout sessions. Both groups shall consist of forty subjects each age’s b/w 18 to 21 years. It was delimited to yogic activities training schedule prepared by a book “The practical encyclopedia of ashtang yoga and meditation’’ by Jean hall & Doriel hall (2009). It was delimited to Ashtang yoga of Patanjali yoga sutras comprise asana, pranayama & meditation. It was delimited to 80 students (male and female) both and 1hour morning duration training programme exclude Sunday and gazetted holidays. The study shows that ashtang yoga can improve Quality of life of young adults.

Conclusions: The study shows positive result in young adults & impove their quality of life in experimental group but there is no improvement in control group. This study is really helpful for increasing the Quality of life of young adults.

Key Words: Ashtang Yoga, Quality of Life, Young Adults.

Author: Dr. Neelima Singh

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