Objective: The aim of the study was to examine the correlation between anthropometric characteristics and playing ability of university level male Basketball players.
Method: 250 male Basketball players were selected from the Northern Indian Universities. The subjects were selected by using purposive sampling method. The subjects were assessed for their anthropometric characteristics and Basketball playing ability. For anthropometry, the measurements were taken for Upper arm length, Lower arm Length, Total arm length, Hand length, Hand span, Upper Leg Length, Lower Leg Length, Total leg length, Upper Arm Circumference, Forearm Circumference, Thigh Circumference, Calf Circumference, Biacromial Diameter, Wrist Diameter, Biceps Skinfold, Suprailiac Skinfold, Subscapular Skinfold and Triceps Skinfold. For playing ability, AAHPERD Basketball skill test was used.
Results: The analysis revealed that all the anthropometric characteristics viz. Upper arm length, Lower arm Length, Total arm length, Hand length, Hand span, Upper Leg Length, Lower Leg Length, Total leg length, Upper Arm Circumference, Forearm
Circumference, Thigh Circumference, Calf Circumference, Biacromial Diameter, Wrist Diameter, Biceps Skinfold, Suprailiac Skinfold, Subscapular Skinfold and Triceps Skinfold were significantly related to the Basketball playing ability except Triceps skinfolds and Subscapular skinfolds.
Conclusion: It can be concluded from the study that majority of anthropometric characteristics play important role in Basketball performance
Key Words: Basketball, Anthropometric, Relationship, Correlation.
Author’s-Dr. Mridula Vyas, Dr. Gaurav Kumar Singh, Mr. Kunnal Sethi