It appears that there has been a lot of research done on anxiety and motivation in other countries. However, the work has recently begun on a large scale in India. Due to the low standard of games and sports in India, such studies are required; As a result, the researcher has put in a lot of effort to investigate this issue. The study’s objective was to contrast players’ and non-players’ responses to anxiety and motivation. The students hailing from a variety of colleges affiliated with
Karnataka University (35 players and 35 nonplayers). The members of both groups were between the ages of 20 and 25. The questionnaire method was used to gather the data. Anxiety and motivation tests were given to the participants. The mean
contrast of the two gatherings were tried for meaning of by ‘t’ proportion. At the confidence level of.05, the mean gains score in anxiety was found to be statistically significant. At the.05 level of confidence, the motivation means gain score was found to be statistically insignificant.
Key words: Anxiety, Motivation, Players, Non-Players. Sports Anxiety, Athlete Performance, Psychological Impact, Anxiety Management, Coping Strategies, Team Sports, Individual Sports.
Author- Dr. Pradeepkumar Mahantagouda