
Identification of Psychological Skills to Prdict the Volleyball Playing Ability


Purpose of the present study was to identify the psychological variables who can      best predict the volleyball playing ability. For the purpose of study fifty male Volleyball players was selected purposely from different sports hostels and colleges of UP i.e. Lucknow and Gorakhpur Sports College, Allahabad and Dewaria Sports Hostel. The age of subjects was 16 to 22 years. To predict the playing ability, sports achievement motivation and sports aggression was selected as predictor variables. Playing ability was measured by panel of three experts on ten point rating scale. Data was collected from respective sports hostels and colleges from prior permission of incharges/coaches by proper explained and demonstrated of test to the subjects and required trial was provided before final effort/attempt. Descriptive statistics and Pearson product moment correlation was used at 0.05 level of significance. Findings revealed that selected psychological variables are not significantly correlated with Volleyball playing ability.

Key Words: Sports achievement motivation and Sports aggression

Author’s-Dr. Vivek Kumar Singh, Dr. Richa Singh

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